Annual Reports 2021/2022

Annual Report 2021 / 2022: President's and Treasurer's reports

General Assembly 2019
Dear jugglers, A year has passed since the Virtual EJC 2021, and it’s time for our annual reports! Without much ado, you will find our reports here: As in any volunteer-run organisation, there are many, many people who deserve our thanks for putting so much time, passion and energy into the European Juggling Association. We will certainly fail to remember them all here, but at the very least, we want to name a few.
  • The EJC Tres Cantos team for their endurance and resilience!
  • The EJC teams from Ireland and France for their honesty, dedication, and hard work!
  • The Executive Committee (XC), namely – in alphabetical order – Alejandro (Interim Secretary), Bubba (Treasurer), Caroline/Sweets (IT & Pre-reg), Gamze (Branding), and Linde (Pre-Reg), as well as Caroline/Mittens who has been Secretary until very recently. Thank you for all your energy, commitment and work!
  • board members who have been so active during the year and a source of knowledge, support, and supportive challenge – Anton, Ben, Blue, Cat, Giulia, Guy, Lena, Maria, Melissa, Miark, Momo, Paul, Philip, Sonja, and Tobi, and others who have occasionally joined us.
  • Andi Nitsche from, who has been running our IT infrastructure for years, in a largely voluntary capacity.
  • And last but not least the city of Tres Cantos for hosting us this summer!
To all of you: thank you! There are many more who deserve thanks for their efforts and support; if you are one of them, please know that you are appreciated! This last year has been very busy, and you can read more about our work in Bubba’s and Jonas’s reports above. If you would like to get involved, there are many different positions open this year, not the least the President, Secretary, and several Country Representatives. And if you don’t want that level of responsibility but would like to volunteer, we always appreciate capable help! 😊 Please sign up to our newsletter to stay tuned, and if you want to get in touch with us directly, drop us a line at We’d love to hear from you! Jonas, Bubba and the XC