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The EJC Ovar team gets elected as the 46th EJC team at the General Assembly 2022. Photo by Chaka September.

Annual Reports 2023/2024

A year has passed since the 45th EJC in Lublin, 2023, and it's time for our annual reports! Without much ado, you will find our reports here. As in any volunteer-run organisation, there are many, many people who deserve our thanks for putting so much time, passion and energy into the European Juggling Association. We will certainly fail to remember them all here, but at the very least, we want to name a few.

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Read more about the article Annual Reports 2022/2023
Some of the new and old board members after the General Assembly 2022. Photo by Chaka September.

Annual Reports 2022/2023

A year has passed since the first in-person EJC since the pandemic - the 44th EJC in 2022 in Tres Cantos. It's time for our annual reports! Without much ado, you will find our reports here. As in any volunteer-run organisation, there are many, many people who deserve our thanks for putting so much time, passion and energy into the European Juggling Association. We will certainly fail to remember them all here, but at the very least, we want to name a few.

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Annual Reports 2021/2022

A year has passed since the Virtual EJC 2021, and it's time for our annual reports! Without much ado, you will find our reports here. As in any volunteer-run organisation, there are many, many people who deserve our thanks for putting so much time, passion and energy into the European Juggling Association. We will certainly fail to remember them all here, but at the very least, we want to name a few.

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Annual Reports 2020/2021

Annual Report 2020 / 2021: President's and Treasurer's reports Dear jugglers,A year has passed again, and it's time for our annual reports. Without much ado, you will find our reports…

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The VEJC is around the corner! Get involved!

The VEJC is around the corner, and we’re looking forward to seeing you on the weekend! We’re busily bee-working on the final touches of our Discord server, and we’ll be releasing the link on Thursday. Until then, have a look at our sneak peek tutorial video (click here) and our workshop schedule here (click here, note the different tabs for the days) – and maybe put in a workshop yourself?

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EJA is looking for an IT & Infrastructure Manager

We’re a team of volunteers spread across Europe, and we’re all working together remotely. To do everything we do, technology is crucial: We currently run an externally facing website (WordPress) and an internally facing wiki (Atlassian Confluence), and we use G suite. We also run a pre-registration system for the EJCs to support with infrastructure and provide some continuity year on year. However, we currently do not have specific technical knowledge in our core team. This means that we’re probably not using our systems well, and we’d like to do better: We’d like to improve our website, our pre-reg system and our internal systems. For all of that, we need tech expertise. Could that be you?

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